Saturday, 12 May 2007

Boring Blogger

I was chatting with my lovely girlfriend about blogging yesterday, and it inevitably came down to why boggling is dying and no-one reads them.

Anyway evidently my blog is way too serious, apparently my thoughts are no what anybody wants to read. That’s ok, I really don’t care if no-one comments, I am not writing to entertain, I am writing so that I can express about my life, for myself.

So if one day someone does read my blog, Yes they may be really bored but at least they will know what I think.

So if you want an interesting, random blog about the fun and crazy side of life read Em’s blog, its quite funny, I’m sorry that I will never make it to that level of comic genius.

Nobody reads anyway so why blog?


Anonymous said...

Dave I read and enjoy your blog. It's one of the many sites I check out while at work. Don't give up like I did. You never know who is out there reading your blog. Keep in up Georgie!
P.S. I need to talk to you about keyboards

Em said...

So, just for the record I didn't say this blog was boring and that nobody would want to read it, i simply compared it to mine (which probably wasn't fair anyway, lol) and said it was much more serious!

I read your blog and enjoy it, quite often I find out new things that I didn't know about you, simple because you have had the change to keep bloging, you aren't boring!

Love ya

Love em